I found this article in XCode forum when I googling how to learn to hack. this theory is step to step fundamental to learn hack. I saved this on my blog so that one day I can look at it and learn about it again. Materi Sesi 1 - Network Fundamental - Dasar IP Address, Mac Address, pengenalan 7 layer osi, etc - FTP, SSH, Telnet, DNS, DHCP, Web Server, MySQL Server, VNC, RDP - Routing (NAT) & Port Forwarding - Dasar Kriptopgrafi - Mengenal encode / decode (base64) - Mengenal salah satu enkripsi & dekripsinya pada kriptografi simetris - Mengenal enkripsi & dekripsinya pada kriptografi asimetris (public key & private key) - Mengenal fungsi hash - Dasar firewall - TOR Windows - Command prompt - Managemen user (Command prompt) Sesi 2 - Mengenal Linux - Shell bash (Perintah-perintah di linux) - Repository - Setting ip address di linux - Managemen user dan group di linux - SSH - Apache Server - Firewall UFW - IDS (Intrusion detection system) dengan Snort Sesi 3 ...
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